Jamie Mayes
The Education Round-Up 360
Purpose: The purpose of The Education Round-Up 360 is to provide educational information and resources to all stakeholders of the educational community in order to increase student academic performance and social and emotional health.
Mission: The mission is to empower and equip students with the necessary tools to have a successful school year by doing the following:
Providing specific tips and strategies by engaging in direct and open conversations about issues that affect them.
Engaging parents in the learning process by providing information that helps them understand the high school journey as it relates to their student(s.)
Energizing and empowering teachers through positive interaction and holistic activities that help them understand their roles as educators and how to remain positively engaged and focused throughout the school year
Student Night: Back-to-School Basics
Tuesday, July 23, 4 p.m.-6 p.m.
Students will participate in a two-part workshop that addresses issues that affect them most- bullying, mental health, eating disorders, social media dysfunction, and legal matters that affect them. A panel of professional community leaders and advocates will lead discussions and provide encouragement for students as they prepare for a new school year. School supplies and treats will be available for participants. It's absolutely FREE! (100 slots available)
Parent Night: Ignited, Informed & Involved
Thursday, July 25, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Parents will be a part of an evening filled with tons of information they need to know about their student's high school experience. Guidance counselors, administrators, business people and educators from across the community will provide sessions about issues like high school graduation requirements, understanding JumpStart, special education rules and procedures, scholarships and state testing. Parents are invited to bring in student IEPS and transcripts with specific questions for the following year. Yep, it's FREE! (50 slots available)
To register for Student Night or Parent Night, click the link below:
The Teacher Reboot Retreat
Saturday, July 27, 10 a.m.-2p.m.
One thing that is often overlooked is the importance of teacher-care and positive mental health. This workshop is designed to focus on ways to combat stress and depression in the workplace, overcoming trauma in the school setting and managing time for self-care and rejuvenation. Teachers will experience powerful workshop sessions that are engaging, interactive and packed with fun. This workshop is not about students, curriculum or state testing; it is about being a happy and balance teacher to create results in the classroom that transform students academically and personally. And, yes, it's FREE! (100 slots available)
To register for The Teacher Reboot Retreat, click the link below:
Yes, your help is needed! To register, please click the link and select the date(s) you will be available. Thank you!